What is the primary Goal of Our Website? |
I have been thinking about what Mr. Paul Vossen (a researcher at ResearchGate.net) said after reading our "Vision & Goals for development of complex software" in a private message to me :
"You have set yourself a very noble, but also highly challenging mission: to re-invent CBSE."
I believe, no software scientist suspected possible error in axiomatic definitions of so called software components, so no one tried to validate the basic seed axioms. I feel, my goal is simple: Make scientists and researchers realize that it is absolutely essential (and not very complex) to discover the innate nature of physical functional components.
Then help the scientists and researchers to discover innate nature of physical functional components (by discovering essential characteristics uniquely and universally shared by each and every physical functional component exist today).
Only huge obstacle for achieving my vision is discovering essential characteristics uniquely and universally shared by ideal physical functional components.
I can’t understate the paramount importance of this discovery. For example: Basic sciences can’t be real science, if the best researchers in the field don’t know the nature and essential characteristics of basic building blocks. If no zoologist in the world can name essential characteristics of animals, then zoology can’t be a real science. If no botanist in the world can name essential characteristics of trees, then botany can’t be a real science.
The same logic applies to software engineering and computer science. Until software researchers discover essential characteristics and innate nature of basic building blocks such as real-components and CBD, software engineering and computer science can’t be real-engineering and real science respectively. http://real-software-components.com/forum_blogs/year2014/Messy-State-of-CBSD.html
Once the innate nature of physical functional components is discovered, "re-inventing CBSE for achieving 70% to 99% encapsulation of application code in replaceable-components”, is the only possible logical outcomes in the course of normal scientific and technological progress.
Please kindly remember, once scientists start suspecting possible error in Geocentric-model and start researching for discovering fact by relaying on then proposed Heliocentric-model: The discovery of other facts such as Kepler’s laws, Gravity and Newton’s laws of motion all are only possible logical outcomes in the course of normal scientific progress.
For example, if Newton were not born, those discoveries might have delayed by another century at most. But they are the only possible logical outcomes in the course of normal scientific progress. There are no alternative roads for scientific progress, except traveling by a fixed road pre-determined by laws of nature, where the fixed road must go through each of the scientific facts (i.e. immutable laws pre-determined by nature) such as the 3 laws of motion and gravity.
The errors in basic concepts or seed axioms (e.g. assuming any kind of useful-parts is a kind of software-components) certainly sidetrack scientific progress and only way to put scientific progress on right tracks is by exposing the errors that sidetracked the scientific progress.
Hence I feel, if I am successful in inducing experts having intellectual curiosity to discover innate nature of ideal functional components (i.e. new facts), re-inventing CBSE is just a part of normal progress (so shall happen in normal course of technological progress by relying on the new facts).
So let me repeat our primary goal: Make scientists and researchers realize that it is absolutely essential to discover the innate nature of physical functional components.
Then help the scientists and researchers to discover innate nature of physical functional components (by discovering essential characteristics uniquely and universally shared by each and every physical functional component).
Most of the information (e.g. facts, reasoning and observations) in our website is just to provide compelling proof for convincing scientists that there are errors in the basic axiomatic assumptions. Also existing software engineering paradigm and CBSE have been evolving by relying on erroneous axiomatic assumptions (without even suspecting possible errors in the seed axioms).
I feel, noble, but highly challenging mission is: Make scientists aware of the errors for inducing intellectual curiosity to discover essential characteristics of ideal functional components on their own (& also provide comprehensive collection of data in our website to help discover basic facts on their own).
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Our CBSD requires is discovering essential properties of ideal physical functional components, which results in discovering two properties that are “Self-Contained” and “Replaceable”.
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Once the intended meaning of term “Self-Contained” is discovered and have some practice in identifying SCMs (i.e. Self-Contained Modules), one must not have any problem identifying multiple SCMs in any large software applications.
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Our CBSD requires encapsulating code-sections for each SCM in a RCC. The RCC/SCM can be assembled into the application by implementing just 2 or 3 lines of code (e.g. City_GIS).
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And finally one of the recommended ways for each RCC/SCM to collaborate or communicate with other parts of the application is by using intelligent-CASE-tool (so that application doesn’t need implementing any more communication code).
A trillion dollar challenge is: Can I convince software researchers that it is worthwhile to invest their valuable time (at most 2 weeks) to discover the essential characteristics uniquely and universally shared by each and every ideal physical functional component known today? I believe, a revolution in software engineering would usher in (resulting in re-inventing CBSE and savings of a trillion dollars in couple of decades), when critical mass of software researchers discover the essential characteristics.
The challenge is inducing intellectual curiosity to engage in open discussion about my research with scientists/researchers.
We all know that, intellectual curiosity, thirst for knowledge and pursuit of absolute truth (with open mind) are noble virtues any good scientist/researcher must have.
The existing Geocentric-model of software
engineering: Any kind of software parts either having certain useful properties (e.g. reusable or standardized) or conform to a so called component model is a kind of software component. Using each kind of so called software components is a kind of CBSD (Component-Based Software Engineering).
This resulted in many kinds of so called software-components and CBSD. This is a
huge error. This kind of error was exposed by proving that the contradictory
model is true (e.g. the Sun, but not the Earth, is at the center).
All I am requesting is discover Heliocentric-model of software engineering:
Just discover essential characteristics uniquely and universally shared by each
and every ideal physical functional component known today.
No large physical part can ever be a component without having essential properties “Replaceable” and
“Self-Contained”. Using
any other kind of parts can't be CBD, except a very spectral kind of parts (having
unique properties “Replaceable” and “Self-Contained”) and the very spectral kind of parts are known as
This website provides comprehensive information (e.g. facts, valid observations
& sound reasoning) to analyze all the information to discover Truth. We are eager to
extent any and all the additional or necessary help to any one for making this discovery on his own.