The First Value Proposition: Online-GUI Class Library
Value Proposition To this Technology
{Some Quotes Taken From Business Plan, which Pioneer-soft requested criticism from an expert}
Cost and Time Issues
Business Plan Claims: “Using our technology, very large or complex online graphics applications could achieve similar or better capabilities at nearly half the cost.”
Business Plan Claims: “Skill-set required for the developers is substantially reduced”
{The Expert Critiques Valuable Comments}
In order for this argument to hold up under scrutiny, I would suggest you do some actual tests against some of the other tools available to accomplish the same end. In other words, take an alternate technology and use both it and yours in parallel to develop some business process that would typically be found in a web-based application and then show the delta between the time it took with your technology and the time it took with Macromedia’s technology, for example.
The tricky part of making this kind of claim is that “ease of use” is a familiarity-dependent concept. Someone completely familiar with a competing tool set may very well still have an advantage over someone coming at your technology fresh and then experiencing a learning curve, no matter how short. And that’s powerful inertia to try to overcome in the marketplace.
{Pioneer-soft's Response to The Critique}
The last paragraph is absolutely true and in fact that is the strength of our technology over the alternative technologies (XAML/Microsoft and MXML/Macromedia). Our technology extends their technology. We offer two value propositions. This is our first value proposition. (I will explain the second value proposition a "loosely Coupled Process", later in a separate document.)
If you study the skill set of web-application developers, they are predominantly either Java programmers or .NET/C#/VB developers. In addition to that, their expertise include Database programming and expertise in the their respective Domains/application-logic. For these 90% of them, it is almost impossible to simultaneously master many emerging web-GUI technologies like XAML from Microsoft and MXML from Macromedia. These 2D and 3D technologies are 20 times more complex than HTML. To present a custom components, they need to write hundreds of highly cryptic statements such as, draw primitives like, lines, polygons, curves and eclipses, each of which needs meticulous mathematical calculations.
The first value proposition comprises of:
A rich set of component classes such as, dials, meters, zooming, panning, trees and maps; which are not possible for them to create, with out violating our patent and copyright protections. (Such Classes doesn’t exist today, anywhere else is the evidence, because, such control classes are useless, if their components cannot be integrated; or cannot be used to control other components.)
A rich set of fine-grained component classes, which can be quickly integrated using our patent-pending process to build highly custom GUI components.
Still we cannot satisfy all their custom needs. They could hire couple of programmers specialized in 2D and 3D graphics technologies to build missing fine-grained component classes, which can be quickly integrated using our patent-pending process to build highly custom GUI components.
You can easily see, how those 90% of the Java/.NET developer could benefit from the technology. However, most strongest backers of our technology is the less than 10% of the programmers, who are experts in both Java and XML-Graphics technology, who have experienced the painful process of mixing the application-logic (written in Java) and the presentation-logic (written in XML-graphics). When I showed the early version of this technology to them in the year 2001, they used to name many advantages, even I didn’t know, we could offer. Our technology allows them to address each of the logics (e.g. presentation, business and integration etc.) separately.
The XML-graphics consists of highly cryptic statements to draw primitive graphics elements like, lines, polygons, curves and eclipses, each of which needs meticulous error-prone mathematical calculations. Furthermore, the component code comprises of JavaScript code that captures and processes the events on the graphics element; which further needs to make error-prone transformations on the graphics elements to make the component interactive or animate. These XML code sections offers little structure (that we accustomed to in structured or OO-programming); and reminds assembly language coding, for those of us who had written assembly language code in the mid eighties. It is painful, if the code runs into many thousands of lines. If one likes to update the component after few months, it is hard to remember what the unstructured code does even to the original writer and practically impossible to others.
To build large visualizations, such components need to be used as building blocks to build larger and larger components. It is practically impossible to create even two layers of hierarchy for even to the XML-graphics experts, if the subcomponents are hand coded using bare XML-statements.
Many from this 10% developers (who are also talented in XML-graphics), said that, our class-API technology could make them 10 times productive. For example, if they like to present a DHTML tree, they could use our Java-class and generate DHTML code in minutes, instead of writing complex unstructured code themselves and testing on all browsers and versions. I have created the early versions of the class-API for the components in year 1999 precisely for this purpose: to make me 10 times productive.
Yet, when they are making this statement, they are considering just presenting one or more pieces of data from the database in each node of the Tree. If they need to present a complex data-driven component in the nodes of the Tree (i.e. two layers of hierarchy), it is practically impossible even for the talented XML-graphics developers. If it is practically impossible for the 10% of the talented developers to create even two layers of simple component hierarchy, imagine the benefits to the rest of the 90% folks, who cannot code XML-graphics.
Please remember that, the most important aspect of our technology is that, it could build (i) component hierarchy and (ii) integrate the components. With out the two capabilities, no one can create a viable online GUI platform as defined earlier. Therefore, we have successfully invented an online-GUI platform and filed a patent for this process.
In summary, one can see the unique advantage of the first value proposition by understanding the state of the alternative technologies. The vendors for the alternative technologies (e.g. Microsoft/XAML and Macromedia/MXML) force developers to mix XML-Graphics for presentation-logic and Application-logic (written in Java). They expect the developers to use bare XML-statements, and it is extremely unobvious to even occur to any one that it is possible to build GUI-API.
They admit that it is the price (i.e. use bare XML-graphics statements) one must pay to build online-GUI applications. Also, it is known and experts agree that even after enduring this pain, no one can build applications, which can match the functionality of desktop GUI applications. This is obvious, since it is practically impossible to create component hierarchy (a necessary condition for a viable GUI Class-API) using the components created using bare-XML-statements, if one needs to calculate each XML-graphics element to present each of the data driven component in the hierarchy.
On the other hand, our class-API allows developers to create more sophisticated GUI application than ever possible, even on the desktop applications, by dynamically assembling intelligent subcomponents, which are custom created using data from various data sources. This is simple summary of “First Value Proposition” and I can prove the “first value proposition” very quickly using many prototype examples.
Note: It is possible that the vendors for XAML, SVG, X3D and MXML etc., would support us; since, we are helping their platforms (i.e. browsers and viewers) to deliver great applications, making them more useful to the users and making their technologies simple for developers for rapid adoption. Furthermore we are not competing with any of their existing products or would not affect sales of any of their other products.
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