Basic functions of Component Code Generators (“CCG”)



The CCG Classes contain set-methods for inputting data at run-time to initialize and configure the component (e.g. reusable GUI Classes). Also application specific CCG classes (e.g. CF-Component Factories) implement application logic to access databases and other sources to get data at run-time to build the component.



The CCG implements base class's abstract Code Generation Method (or "CGM"), which can be called to generate code for the Component.



The CCG uses a simple technique to assure that the identifiers in the component code do not conflict with identifiers of other components in the web page. The identifiers include: names of IDs for XML tags, JavaScript functions and variables.



The CCG for large components are designed to use other CCGs to build parts (i.e. subcomponents) of the large component (i.e. each builds a part of the large GUI "Image"). The CCG class definition for the large component contains:



Methods to input CCGs for the subcomponents, and/or



Required code to instantiate and initialize the CCGs for subcomponents.



The CCG (runs in web server) also provides simple methods or processes to create communication code for its generated component (runs in a browser), so that the component can collaborates with other components in the webpage/application.


As you could notice, none of the above functional requirements are complex. Based on our experiences, we learned that even junior programmers could master this technology with little experimentation and few weeks of hands on experience.

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