WIDGET for HTML - Scroller Component

A Sample Component created using GUI Class for Scroller:

Code to Create the above Crossbrowser Scroll Component


     // Construct a Scroll Object and Pass Items Array.
       ScrollCB sb = new ScrollCB(scitems1);
          // Where "scitems1" is an array of 'ElanBeans' or pure-HTML code string as shown below.
          // This ElanBean is now Ready to generate code. Isn't it Simple?

         // Declare the Components to be Scrolled as an Array of Strings.

String scitems1[] = {                // HTML-code for Item#1
                "<IMG SRC=\'bullet_s.gif\'> This ElanBean is great! <br>" +
                "<IMG SRC=\'bullet_s.gif\'> Isn't it? <br>" +
                "Check it out, how easy it is to use. All you need is HTML code for each item.", 

// HTML-code for Item#2

"<IMG SRC=\'bullet_d.gif\'>ElanSoft Limited, INDIA<BR>" +
"<IMG SRC=\'bullet_d.gif\'>Phone# 011-91-40- 330800 <BR>" +
"<IMG SRC=\'bullet_d.gif\'>Email: info@hotmail22.com",

// HTML-code for Item#3

"<IMG SRC=\'logoinside.gif\'><BR>Please visit " +
"<a href='http://www.cbsdf.com'>Elan Soft</a> Web Site for details." + "<br> <FORM>" +
// Code for the Push button to send E-Mail.
"<INPUT TYPE='button' VALUE='Click Here for More info on ElanBeans' onClick=\"parent.location='mailto:info@hotmail22.com'\"> </FORM>",

// HTML-code for Item#4
"<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"90%\" ><TR>"+
"<TD WIDTH=\"50%\"   BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFCC\">" +
"<IMG SRC=\'logoinside.gif\' WIDTH=\"62\" HEIGHT=\"69\" ALIGN=\"BOTTOM\" BORDER=\"0\"><BR><BR><B><FONT FACE=\"Century Gothic\">Elan Soft Limited,<BR><BR>Hyderabad. INDIA</FONT></B>" +
"</TD>" +
"<TD WIDTH=\"50%\"   BGCOLOR=\"#FFCCCC\">" +
      "<IMG SRC=\'bullet_p.gif\' WIDTH=\"31\" HEIGHT=\"14\" ALIGN=\"BOTTOM\" BORDER=\"0\"><SPAN STYLE=\"Font-Size : 10pt\"><FONT FACE=\"Century Gothic\">ElanSoft Limited located in Hyderabad, INDIA, is engaged in creating innovative internet products and services.</FONT></SPAN>" +
"</TD></TR>" +


Note: Each Scroll Item in the above shown example is pure HTML-code.User may create this in Frontpage or any Web authorising tool and put it in a Item list Array as a long String.

// To display Scroll Object, Call the following method.

ElanBean for ScrollCB has methods for setting Background Colors, Size, Scroll Speed, Smoothness, Wait time etc..