Note: The Airline components has all the hooks, so that they can be moved, if we can get location data at real-time. |
The Source Code to use the Air Trafic Control Component Factories <% PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(out,true); //
Instantiate "Component Factory" or CF for ATC of each City. //
The ATC_CF takes the Airport code and builds loosely coupled AC
(A Mashup). ATC_CF Atc1 = new ATC_CF ("SFO"); ATC_CF Atc2 = new ATC_CF ("LAX"); ATC_CF Atc3 = new ATC_CF ("JFK"); //
Pass the CF/AC information to a Rotate banner GUI Component // It displays one component (or Mashup) at a time and offers service method //
to Hide-current component and display new component. ATC_CF City_list[] = {Atc1, Atc2, Atc3}; RotateBanner3 RB = new RotateBanner3(City_list, 3); RB.CGM(pw, request); %> <script type='text/ecmascript'> //
Integration-Logic: Integrate Radio-Buttons AND
Rotate Banner function
switch_the_city(grp, num) { //
Impliment a Callback //
Integration-Logic: Integrate Radio-Buttons AND Rotate Banner
<% pw.print(RB.getBannerUpdateMethodName());
I am lazy to design the CF properly. This code should not be
here, // But, I am using following 2 lines spaghetti code to fix SVG/GIF bug. <% for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)pw.println(City_list[i].getName_RemoveBackground() + "()"); %> } </script> <g transform='translate(750 400)'> <% //
Control the Rotate banner component using a Radio-button group
GUI component. String RadioB_list[] = { "SFO-San Francisco", "LAX-Las Angles", "JKF-New yark" }; RadioButtons RadioB = new RadioButtons (RadioB_list, 3);
RadioB.setCB_AddMethod("switch_the_city"); RadioB.CGM(pw, request); // This gives an example for how two GUI components are integrated (or Coupled). %> </g> |
The Sample Component for one City. The Sample code is given below: |
The Java code for the City Air Traffic: |
Airplane Al1 = new Airplane("TWA486","B737",
1, null);
// Instantiate the flight // In a real application, we get this information from the database in a For-LOOP Airplane Al2 = new Airplane("AA486","SF37",
2, null); |
JavaScript include file for the Animation & Interactivity: 'App1/Airline_class.js' | ||||
airline_v1_1(flight_num, flight_url, al_id, img_id, loc_id ) {
this.highlight = highlight;
this.show_info = show_info;
this.add_callback = add_callback;
this.change_color = change_color;
this.update_location = update_location;
this.set_location = set_location;
this.set_clues_ids = set_clues_ids;
this.set_visual_clues = set_visual_clues;
this.set_new_sms = set_new_sms;
var flt_num = flight_num;
var al_grp = al_id;
var al_img = img_id;
var al_loc = loc_id;
var al_sms = null;
var callback_func = null;
var cx = 0, cy = 0, cd = 0;
var cur_col = 'red';
var clue1_id = null;
var clue2_id = null;
var airliner_url = flight_url;
function add_callback( cb_name ) {
callback_func = cb_name;
function highlight( stat ) {
var svgobj = SVG_Document.getElementById(al_grp);
if (svgobj != null){
if (stat == 0) {
change_color( 'blue' )
if(callback_func != null) callback_func(null);
!= null) {
svgobj = SVG_Document.getElementById(al_sms);
(svgobj.getStyle()).setProperty ('visibility', 'hidden');
else {
change_color( 'red' )
!= null) {
svgobj = SVG_Document.getElementById(al_sms);
(svgobj.getStyle()).setProperty ('visibility', 'visible' );
} }
var switch1 = 1;
function show_info ( ) {
var xml_info = webservices_get_flight_info(airliner_url,
if(callback_func != null)
callback_func( xml_info );
change_color( new_col ) {
var svgobj = SVG_Document.getElementById(al_img);
cur_col = new_col;
if (svgobj != null)
(svgobj.getStyle()).setProperty ('fill', cur_col);
function update_location(nx, ny, dir, set) {
if(set == 1) {
// Set the new values.
cx = nx; cy = ny; cd = dir;
else {
// Else increment.
cx += nx; cy += ny; cd += dir;
var svgobj = SVG_Document.getElementById(al_loc);
var trans_str = 'translate(' +cx+ ',' +cy+')';
if (svgobj != null)
svgobj.setAttribute('transform', trans_str);
var svgobj = SVG_Document.getElementById(al_img);
var trans_str = 'rotate('+cd+')';
if (svgobj != null)
svgobj.setAttribute('transform', trans_str);
function set_location (nx, ny, dir) {
cx = nx; cy = ny; cd = dir;
function set_clues_ids (id1, id2, sms_id) {
clue1_id = id1;
clue2_id = id2;
al_sms = sms_id;
function set_new_sms(msg1, msg2) {
var str = 'm1_' + al_sms; SVG_Document.getElementById(str).firstChild.nodeValue = msg1;
str = 'm2_' + al_sms;
SVG_Document.getElementById(str).firstChild.nodeValue = msg2;
function set_visual_clues(clue_code, state) {
if((clue_code == 1) && (clue1_id != null)) {
var svgobj = SVG_Document.getElementById(clue1_id);
(svgobj.getStyle()).setProperty ('visibility', (state == 1) ?
'visible' : 'hidden');
if((clue_code == 2) && (clue2_id != null)) {
var svgobj = SVG_Document.getElementById(clue2_id);
(svgobj.getStyle()).setProperty ('visibility', (state == 1) ?
'visible' : 'hidden');
} } | ||||
| ||||
JSP Code that uses the GUI-class and instantiate/initialize each
Airline for the above application (Note:
In real-application, we read the data from the data sources & use
for-loop to create each Airplane) | ||||
Airplane Al1 = new
Airplane("TWA486","B737", 1, null); // Instantiat an Aiplane Object
// Set Callback for click. Call this function to display the
information in the Table on the right-side
Al1.set_location (90, 50, -40); // Give X, Y Coordinates and
Direction in Degrees.
Al1.setSmallMessages("LAX-to-JFK", "Radio
Ch#36"); // Optional additional information, on mouse-over.
Al1.CGM(pw, request); //
Include the Airplane component in the Web-page
Airplane Al2 = new Airplane("AA486","SF37",
2, null);
Al2.set_location (360, 180, 20);
Al2.setSmallMessages("SFO-to-LAX", "Radio
Al2.CGM(pw, request);
Airplane Al3 = new Airplane("UA486","DC10",
4, null);
Al3.set_location (400, 400, 45);
Al3.setSmallMessages("SFO-to-DFW", "Radio
Al3.CGM(pw, request);
Airplane Al4 = new Airplane("NW63","A330",
3, null);
Al4.set_location (140, 225, 180);
Al4.setSmallMessages("LAG-to-SFO", "Radio
Al4.CGM(pw, request);
Airplane Al5 = new Airplane("SW36","B747",
6, null);
Al5.set_location (360, 320, -120);
Al5.setSmallMessages("ATL-to-SFO", "Radio
Al5.CGM(pw, request);
Airplane Al6 = new Airplane("DEL36","B340",
0, null);
Al6.set_location (63, 380, -80);
Al6.setSmallMessages("DUL-to-SFO", "Radio
Al6.CGM(pw, request); | ||||
As you know, we cannot access real-data, so I am emulating the remote request for testing: | ||||
webservices_get_flight_info ( airline_url, flt_num ) {
// This method may use getURL() or any other method to
// get the upto the minute fligt data from the server.
// For example: getURL(airliner_url, set_info_table);
set_info_table(data) calls callback_func(xml_info);
// For testing purpose, this pseudo-code function
// using simple static string.
// Alternatively, emerging AJAX techniques may be employed to
get flight data.
// Where, AJAX : Asynchronous JAvaScript + XML
// Please see, for an
// how we may get the XML-data string from the Airline's
var xml_data_str = "<airplane id='xml_data' xmlns='#'>
\n" +
" <airline>UA486</airline>
\n" +
" <visibility>
250 Meters </visibility> \n" +
" <make>
DC10 </make> \n" +
" <chanel>
12345 </chanel> \n" +
" <misc_list>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='altitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='longitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='hight'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='speed'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='direction'> 3500
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='decending'> 350Ft/min </misc_info>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='runway'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='atc_id'>
</misc_info> \n" +
" </misc_info>
\n" +
if (flt_num == 'UA486')
xml_data_str = "<airplane id='xml_data' xmlns='#'>
\n" +
" <airline>TWA486</airline>
\n" +
" <visibility>
250 Meters </visibility> \n" +
" <make>
B737 </make> \n" +
" <chanel>
12345 </chanel> \n" +
" <misc_list>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='altitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='longitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='hight'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='speed'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='direction'> 3500
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='decending'> 350Ft/min </misc_info>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='runway'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='atc_id'>
</misc_info> \n" +
" </misc_info>
\n" +
if (flt_num == 'TWA486')
xml_data_str = "<airplane id='xml_data' xmlns='#'>
\n" +
" <airline>AA486</airline>
\n" +
" <visibility>
250 Meters </visibility> \n" +
" <make>
SF37 </make> \n" +
" <chanel>
12345 </chanel> \n" +
" <misc_list>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='altitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='longitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='hight'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='speed'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='direction'> 3500
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='decending'> 350Ft/min </misc_info>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='runway'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='atc_id'>
</misc_info> \n" +
" </misc_info>
\n" +
if (flt_num == 'AA486')
xml_data_str = "<airplane id='xml_data' xmlns='#'>
\n" +
" <airline>NW63</airline>
\n" +
" <visibility>
350 Meters </visibility> \n" +
" <make>
A330 </make> \n" +
" <chanel>
345 </chanel> \n" +
" <misc_list>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='altitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='longitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='hight'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='speed'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='direction'> 3500
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='decending'> 350Ft/min </misc_info>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='runway'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='atc_id'>
</misc_info> \n" +
" </misc_info>
\n" +
if (flt_num == 'NW63')
xml_data_str = "<airplane id='xml_data' xmlns='#'>
\n" +
" <airline>SW36</airline>
\n" +
" <visibility>
150 Meters </visibility> \n" +
" <make>
B747 </make> \n" +
" <chanel>
123 </chanel> \n" +
" <misc_list>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='altitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='longitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='hight'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='speed'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='direction'> 3500
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='decending'> 350Ft/min </misc_info>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='runway'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='atc_id'>
</misc_info> \n" +
" </misc_info>
\n" +
if (flt_num == 'SW36')
xml_data_str = "<airplane id='xml_data' xmlns='#'>
\n" +
" <airline>DEL36</airline>
\n" +
" <visibility>
150 Meters </visibility> \n" +
" <make>
A340 </make> \n" +
" <chanel>
123 </chanel> \n" +
" <misc_list>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='altitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='longitude'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='hight'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='speed'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='direction'> 3500
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='decending'> 350Ft/min </misc_info>
\n" +
<misc_info name1='runway'>
</misc_info> \n" +
<misc_info name1='atc_id'>
</misc_info> \n" +
" </misc_info>
\n" +
if (flt_num == 'DEL36')
return(xml_data_str); } | ||||
Note: One may use Yahoo or Google maps-API to create his home town map and use the map (or satellite weather map) as background. | ||||
| ||||
com.agile.templatelib; import*; import
java.util.*; import
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; public
class Airplane { public
static int TemplateCount = 0; String
UNQ_ID = ""+ (++TemplateCount); String
Flight_num = null, Model = null; String
callback_str = null; String
Service_func = null; String
img_path = null; String
sms1 = null, sms2 = null; String
data_url = null; double
dx = 0, dy = 0, dir = 0; final
= "green"; final
= "blue"; final
= "grey"; final
= "red"; final
= "Light Yellow"; final
= "lavender"; final
= "Tan"; final
= "Rose"; String
flt_color = in_coming; // Actual code is about 50 to 60 lines. // This Flight-images are generated using a drawing tools, from Adobe or Microsoft. // No one should hand create the Images. This SVG code displays proper flight image. String
B767 =
"d=' M 50 0 L 40
-5 L -30 -5
L -50 0 \n" +
"M 15 -5 L
-10 -50 L -15 -50 L
-5 -15 L -5 -5 \n" +
"M -35 -3 L -45 -20
L -50 -20 L -47
-1 \n" +
"M -50 0 L
-30 -2 L -27
0 \n" +
"M 10 -15 L 15 -15 L 15
L 6 -21 \n" +
\n" +
"M 50 0
L 40 5 L -30
5 L -50 0
\n" +
"M 15 5
L -10 50 L -15 50
L -5
15 L -5 5 \n"
"M -35 3 L
-45 20 L -50 20
L -47 1 \n" +
"M -50 0 L
-30 2 L -27
0 \n" +
"M 10 15 L 15 15 L 15
21 L 6
21'> \n"; String
"d=' M 60 0 L 50 -4 L -45 -4 L -63 0 L -40 -1 L -37 0
\n" +
"M 15 -4 L -8 -48 L -12 -48 L -5 -20 L -5 -4 \n" +
"M -47 -4 L -58 -18 L -64 -18 L -58 -1 \n" +
"M 10 -13 L 15 -13 L 15 -19 L 7 -19 \n" +
" \n" +
"M 60 0 L 50 4 L -45 4 L -63 0 L -40 1 L -37 0 \n" +
"M 15 4 L -8 48 L -12 48 L -5 20 L -5 4 \n" +
"M -47 4 L -58 18 L -64 18 L -58 1 \n" +
"M 10 13 L 15 13 L 15 19 L 7 19 '> \n"; String
SF37 =
"d=' M 40 0 L 30 -5 L -30 -5 L -52 0 L -38 -1 L -35 0
\n" +
"M -35 -4 L -40 -25 L -45 -25 L -48 -1 \n" +
"M 5 -5 L 0 -57 L -4 -57 L -9 -5 \n" +
"M 10 -26 L -8 -26 L -8 -30 L 10 -30 L 13 -28 L 10 -26
\n" +
"M 11 -20 L 11 -36 \n" +
" \n" +
"M 40 0 L 30 5 L -30 5 L -52 0 L -38 1 L -35 0 \n" +
"M -35 4 L -40 25 L -45 25 L -48 1 M 5 5 L 0 57 L -4 57 L
-9 5 \n" +
"M 10 26 L -8 26 L -8 30 L 10 30 L 13 28 L 10 26 \n"
"M 11 20 L 11 36 '> \n"; String
SF34 =
"d=' M 60 0 L 50 -5 L -30 -5 L -55 0 \n" +
"M 10 -5 L -10 -52 L -13 -52 L -5 -5 \n" +
"M -45 -2 L -54 -17 L -58 -17 L -52 0 \n" +
"M -55 0 L -33 -2 L -30 0 \n" +
"M -23 -5 L -23 -10 L -37 -10 L -37 -5 L -23 -5 \n" +
"M -37 -5 L -42 -3 \n" +
\n" +
"M 60 0 L 50 5 L -30 5 L -55 0 \n" +
"M 10 5 L -10 52 L -13 52 L -5 5 \n" +
"M -45 2 L -54 17 L -58 17 L -52 0 \n" +
"M -55 0 L -33 2 L -30 0 \n" +
"M -23 5 L -23 10 L -37 10 L -37 5 L -23 5 \n" +
"M -37 5 L -42 3 '> \n"; String
DC10 =
"d=' M 50 0 L 40 -5 L -20 -5 L -45 0 \n" +
"M 10 -5 L -10 -52 L -13 -52 L -5 -5 \n" +
"M -35 -2 L -44 -17 L -48 -17 L -42 0 L -23 -2 L -20 0
\n" +
"M -13 -5 L -13 -10 L -27 -10 L -27 -5 L -13 -5 \n" +
"M -27 -5 L -32 -3 \n" +
\n" +
"M 50 0 L 40 5 L -20 5 L -45 0 \n" +
"M 10 5 L -10 52 L -13 52 L -5 5 \n" +
"M -35 2 L -44 17 L -48 17 L -42 0 L -23 2 L -20 0 M -13 5
L -13 10 \n" +
"L -27 10 L -27 5 L -13 5 \n" +
"M -27 5 L -32 3 '>\n"; String
B747 =
"d=' M 60 0 L 50 -5 L 40 -7 L -30 -7 L -65 0 \n" +
"M 23 -7 L -22 -63 L -27 -63 L -7 -25 L -4 -7 \n" +
"M -45 -4 L -61 -22 L -65 -22 L -60 -1 \n" +
"M -65 0 L -40 -2 L -37 0 \n" +
"M 12 -20 L 18 -20 L 18 -25 L 8 -25 \n" +
"M -3 -38 L 3 -38 L 3 -43 L -7 -43 \n" +
\n" +
"M 60 0 L 50 5 L 40 7
L -30 7 L -65 0 \n"
"M 23 7 L -22
63 L -27 63 L -7 25 L -4
7 \n" +
"M -45 4 L -61 22 L -65 22 L -60
1 \n" +
"M -65 0 L -40 2
L -37 0 \n" +
"M 12 20 L 18 20
L 18 25 L 8
25 \n" +
"M -3 38 L 3 38
L 3 43 L -7
43 '> \n"; String
A330 =
"d=' M 50 0 L -40 -5 L 35 -6 L -20 -6 L -55 0 L -33 -1 L
-30 0 \n" +
"M 15 -6 L -15 -60 L -20 -60 L -6 -20 L -5 -6 \n" +
"M -15 -60 L -20 -64 L -22 -64 L -20 -60 \n" +
"M -41 -3 L -50 -20 L -55 -20 L -50 -1 \n" +
"M 9 -17 L 15 -17 L 15 -24 L 5 -24 \n" +
\n" +
"M 50 0 L -40 5 L 35 6 L -20 6 L -55 0 L -33 1 L -30 0
\n" +
"M 15 6 L -15 60 L -20 60 L -6 20 L -5 6 \n" +
"M -15 60 L -20 64 L -22 64 L -20 60 \n" +
"M -41 3 L -50 20 L -55 20 L -50 1 \n" +
"M 9 17 L 15 17 L 15 24 L 5 24 '> \n"; String
A340 =
"d=' M 50 0 L -40 -5 L 35 -6 L -20 -6 L -55 0 L -33 -1 L
-30 0 \n" +
"M 15 -6 L -15 -60 L -20 -60 L -6 -20 L -5 -6 \n" +
"M -15 -60 L -20 -64 L -22 -64 L -20 -60 \n" +
"M -41 -3 L -50 -20 L -55 -20 L -50 -1 \n" +
"M 9 -17 L 15 -17 L 15 -24 L 5 -24 \n" +
"M -2 -37 L 4 -37 L 4 -44 L 6 -44 \n" +
\n" +
"M 50 0 L -40 5 L 35 6 L -20 6 L -55 0 L -33 1 L -30 0
\n" +
"M 15 6 L -15 60 L -20 60 L -6 20 L -5 6 \n" +
"M -15 60 L -20 64 L -22 64 L -20 60 \n" +
"M -41 3 L -50 20 L -55 20 L -50 1 \n" +
"M 9 17 L 15 17 L 15 24 L 5 24 \n" +
"M -2 37 L 4 37 L 4 44 L 6 44 '> \n"; String
MD11 =
"d=' M 50 0 L 40 -4 L 35 -5 L -20 -5 L -38 -3
\n" +
"M -25 0 L -25 -3 L -41 -3 L -41 0
\n" +
"M -41 -2 L -44 0 L -32 -1 L -30 0
\n" +
"M -29 -4 L -38 -15 L -42 -15 L -38 -3
\n" +
"M 12 -5 L -15 -45 L -19 -45 L -8 -19 L -7 -5
\n" +
"M 7 -12 L 13 -12 L 13 -18 L 3 -18
\n" +
"M -15 -45 L -20 -48 L -21 -48 L -19 -45
\n" +
\n" +
"M 50 0 L 40 4 L 35 5 L -20 5 L -38 3
\n" +
"M -25 0 L -25 3 L -41 3 L -41 0
\n" +
"M -41 2 L -44 0 L -32 1 L -30 0
\n" +
"M -29 4 L -38 15 L -42 15 L -38 3
\n" +
"M 12 5 L -15 45 L -19 45 L -8 19 L -7 5
\n" +
"M 7 12 L 13 12 L 13 18 L 3 18
\n" +
"M -15 45 L -20 48 L -21 48 L -19 45 '>
\n"; String
B737 =
"d=' M 50 0 L 40 -4 L 35 -5 L -20 -5 L -38 -3
\n" +
"M -25 0 L -25 -3 L -41 -3 L -41 0
\n" +
"M -41 -2 L -44 0 L -32 -1 L -30 0
\n" +
"M -29 -4 L -38 -15 L -42 -15 L -38 -3
\n" +
"M 12 -5 L -15 -45 L -19 -45 L -8 -19 L -7 -5
\n" +
"M 7 -12 L 13 -12 L 13 -18 L 3 -18
\n" +
\n" +
"M 50 0 L 40 4 L 35 5 L -20 5 L -38 3
\n" +
"M -25 0 L -25 3 L -41 3 L -41 0
\n" +
"M -41 2 L -44 0 L -32 1 L -30 0
\n" +
"M -29 4 L -38 15 L -42 15 L -38 3
\n" +
"M 12 5 L -15 45 L -19 45 L -8 19 L -7 5
\n" +
"M 7 12 L 13 12 L 13 18 L 3 18 '>
\n"; //
Constructor, which also initializes the Object. public
Airplane (String flt_num, String flt_model, int code, String url)
Flight_num = flt_num;
Model = flt_model;
data_url = url;
if (code == 1)
flt_color = out_going;
else if (code == 2) flt_color
= passing_thru;
else if (code == 3) flt_color
= high_priority;
else if (code == 4) flt_color
= neibouring_airport1;
else if (code == 5) flt_color
= high_priority;
else if (code == 6) flt_color
= air_force;
else if (code == 7) flt_color
= unidentified;
img_path = B747; // Default Image.
if (Model.equalsIgnoreCase("B737")) img_path
= B737;
else if (Model.equalsIgnoreCase("MD11"))
img_path = MD11;
else if (Model.equalsIgnoreCase("A340"))
img_path = A340;
else if (Model.equalsIgnoreCase("A330"))
img_path = A330;
else if (Model.equalsIgnoreCase("DC10"))
img_path = DC10;
else if (Model.equalsIgnoreCase("SF34"))
img_path = SF34;
else if (Model.equalsIgnoreCase("SF37"))
img_path = SF37;
else if (Model.equalsIgnoreCase("B757"))
img_path = B757;
else if (Model.equalsIgnoreCase("B767"))
img_path = B767; } public
void setSmallMessages (String m1, String m2) {
sms1 = m1;
sms2 = m2; } public
void set_location (double x, double y, double d) {
= x;
= y;
= d; } //
This Service Method of the CCG-Object that returns, //
The Service Method name of the Application Component. public
String getUpdateLocationMethodName()
String name = "airline_" + UNQ_ID + ".update_location";
return(name); } //
This Service Method of the CCG-Object that returns, //
The Object name of the Application Component. public
String getAC_ObjectName() {
String name = "airline_" + UNQ_ID + "";
return(name); } //
Alternative method to get the reference to Service Method. //
The Containr could pass the name of a Variable. //
The CCG saves the name of the Variable in a Class variable. //
If Service_func is not null, the CGM makes this INPUT //
variable point to the Service Method of the Component public
void setServiceMethodReference( String function_pointer)
Service_func = function_pointer; } public
void setCallBackName( String cb_name)
callback_str = cb_name; } public
String getCB_AddMethodName()
String name = "airline_" + UNQ_ID + ".add_callback";
return(name); } private
int generate_class_def(PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest doc_info) { int
include_file = 1; if(
include_file == 1) {
out.println("<script xlink:href='App1/Airline_class.js'
return(0); } return(0); } private
int generate_object_init(PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest doc_info)
{ out.println("//
SECTION-2: Instantiation and Init the Flight Object "); out.println("
"); out.println("<script
type='text/ecmascript'> "); String
tmp_str; if
(data_url == null) tmp_str
= " '"+Flight_num+"', null,
'al_id_" + UNQ_ID + "', 'al_img_" + UNQ_ID
+ "', 'al_loc_" + UNQ_ID + "'"; else tmp_str
= " '"+Flight_num+"', '" + data_url + "', 'al_id_"
+ UNQ_ID + "', 'al_img_" + UNQ_ID + "', 'al_loc_"
+ UNQ_ID + "'"; out.println("var
airline_" + UNQ_ID + " = new airline_v1_1(" + tmp_str +
" ); "); out.println("airline_"
+ UNQ_ID + ".set_location( " + dx + ", " + dy +
", " + dir +" ); "); out.println("
"); out.println("//
Visual clues for Air Trafic Controler ");
if ((sms1 != null) && (sms2 != null))
tmp_str = "'sms_" + UNQ_ID + "'";
tmp_str = "null"; out.println("airline_"
+ UNQ_ID + ".set_clues_ids ('atc_clue1_" + UNQ_ID + "',
'atc_clue2_" + UNQ_ID + "', " + tmp_str + ");
"); out.println("
"); out.println("//
Register a function to call, upon user click on the Airliner-image
if( callback_str != null) out.println("airline_"
+ UNQ_ID + ".add_callback( " + callback_str + " );
if( Service_func != null) out.println(Service_func
+ " = airline_" + UNQ_ID + ".update_location"); out.println("</script>
"); out.println("
"); return(0); } private
int generate_svg_code(PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest doc_info) { out.println("<g
id='al_loc_" + UNQ_ID + "' transform='translate(" + dx
+", " + dy + ")'> "); out.println("
<g id='al_id_" + UNQ_ID + "'
transform='scale(0.2)' onmouseover='airline_" + UNQ_ID +
".highlight(1)' onmouseout='airline_" + UNQ_ID +
".highlight(0)' onclick='airline_" + UNQ_ID + ".show_info()'>
"); out.println("
<circle id='atc_clue1_" + UNQ_ID + "' cx='0'
cy='0' r='50' style='fill:gold;opacity:.25;stroke:black;stroke-width:4;visibility:hidden;'/>
"); out.println("
<path id='al_img_" + UNQ_ID + "' fill='" +
flt_color + "' stroke='red' stroke-width='.5pt'
transform='rotate( " + dir + ")' "); out.println("
" + img_path + " "); out.println("
</path> "); out.println("
<text font-family='Verdana' x='15' y='0' font-size='24'
fill='black'> " + Flight_num + " </text> "); out.println("
<text font-family='Verdana' x='15' y='25' font-size='24'
fill='black'> " + Model + " </text> "); out.println("
<circle id='atc_clue2_" + UNQ_ID + "' cx='0'
cy='0' r='12' style='fill:red;opacity:.75;stroke:black;stroke-width:4;visibility:hidden;'/>
if ((sms1 != null) && (sms2 != null)) { out.println("
<g id='sms_" + UNQ_ID + "'
transform='translate(-50,50)' style='visibility:hidden;' > "); out.println("
<text d='m1_sms_" + UNQ_ID + "'
font-family='Verdana' x='5' y='0' font-size='24' fill='black'>
" + sms1 + " </text> "); out.println("
<text d='m1_sms_" + UNQ_ID + "'
font-family='Verdana' x='5' y='25' font-size='24' fill='black'>
" + sms2 + " </text> "); out.println("
</g> ");
} out.println("
"); out.println("
</g> "); out.println("</g>
"); return(0); }
// End of XML-graphics section
// The Code Generation Method : CGM
public int CGM (PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest doc_info) { generate_class_def(out,
doc_info); generate_object_init(out,
doc_info); generate_svg_code
(out, doc_info); return
} // END of the
CGM() } // END of the Class Definition. | ||||
The following shows an usage of a container Component factory. Below that is a pseudo code for the CGM of the container Component factory. Notice how simple it is to assemble the Components/Objects to build complex combinations (which are nearly impossible for the application developers, who only know Java and little experience in Vector Graphics). | ||||
Multi-City Air Traffic Monitor Component Factory String
City_names[] = { "SFO-San Francisco",
"LAX-Las Angles", "JFK-New yark" }; // Likewise
ATC for Indian Air Ports Code Generatrion Method (CGM) of Multi_City_ATC_CF int CGM (pw, request) pw.println("<script type='text/ecmascript'>"); //
Integration-Logic: Integrate Radio-Buttons AND
Rotate Banner pw.println("function
switch_the_city(grp, num) { "); //
Impliment a Callback //
Integration-Logic: Integrate Radio-Buttons AND Rotate Banner pw.print("
" + RB.getBannerUpdateMethodName()
+ "(num);");
pw.println(" " + City_list[i].getName_RemoveBackground() + "()"); pw.println(" }" + \n" + "</script>"); //Code
To create Radio Buttons: |
Raju Chiluvuri (c) All Rights Reserved |